Nerve Damage Compensation Claims

If you have suffered nerve damage as a result of a medical professional's negligence, you may be able to claim compensation.

More about Nerve Damage Claims

Most medical and dental procedures and surgeries go ahead with no problems at all, but mistakes do sometimes happen and when things go wrong, it can have devastating consequences for the patient and their loved ones.

Nerve damage sometimes occurs if mistakes are made during some procedures, when nerves can be trapped or suffer trauma because the medical professional who was treating you made avoidable errors. In severe cases, nerve damage can be permanent and result in serious symptoms that can have a huge negative impact on your daily life.

There can be constant pain, a burning or tingling sensation, a complete loss of feeling in the affected area and this can cause all kinds of issues, including difficulty eating, speaking, having mobility issues, inability to feel pain in the relevant part of the body etc.

If you have suffered nerve damage as a result of clinical negligence, you might be eligible to make a nerve damage compensation claim.

Common types of nerve damage claims

Common types of nerve damage claims

There are two main parts of the human nervous system; the central nervous system, which is comprised of the brain and spinal cord, then the peripheral nervous system, which is made up of nerves that branch away from the spinal cord and extend to the rest of the body.

When it comes to nerve damage as a result of clinical negligence, the affected area will depend on the procedure or treatment you underwent and where this was in the body. Some of the more common types of nerve damage claims include:

Dental nerve damage claims - often, but not always, related to tooth extraction, which could lead to, for example, wisdom teeth removal nerve damage compensation.

Compensation for nerve damage after surgery - which could be any kind of surgery but most commonly might be procedures close to the spinal cord or brain.

How can I claim compensation for nerve damage?

How can I claim compensation for nerve damage?

The first stage of any nerve damage compensation claims involves taking specialist legal advice to find out if you are eligible to make a claim.

If so, your solicitor will discuss the process with you so you know what to expect at every stage, and help to compile the evidence needed for a successful claim. They will also discuss funding options for your claim and it may be possible to bring the claim on a no win, no fee basis, which means that if your claim isn't successful, you won't need to pay any legal fees.

John Bennett at Forbes has been patient, supportive and understanding. From the outset I felt that my case was in safe hands. Throughout the process I have found that John is happy to explain terminology and procedures so that I have felt reassured and comfortable.

How much can I expect for nerve damage claims compensation?

How much can I expect for nerve damage claims compensation?

If your claim for nerve damage compensation is successful, the sum you will be awarded will depend on a variety of different factors, including the severity of the injury and the long-term prognosis and level of recovery that is expected.

Whether it's dental nerve damage compensation or an award for surgical nerve damage, the sum will be based on the medical evidence provided, your expected future needs and can also include recompense for any financial loss you have suffered because of the injury e.g. lost wages.

Your solicitor will be able to provide you with an estimate of the nerve damage compensation amount once they have fully assessed your claim.

Why choose us as your nerve damage compensation claim solicitors?

Why choose us as your nerve damage compensation claim solicitors?

The Forbes expert clinical negligence claim team are experts in helping clients successfully claim compensation for a nerve damage injury and we operate nationwide. Our specialist solicitors always aim to achieve the maximum possible nerve damage claim amounts so that you and your loved ones can start to move forward from what has happened.

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Partner, Personal Injury

John Bennett

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Partner, Clinical Negligence

Leonie Millard


Senior Associate, Personal Injury

Lisa Atkinson

Your Clinical Negligence Claim

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